Family Helping Family

Beyond The Brown: Supporting UPS Employees & Their Families.

Join our global support network and help us provide assistance to UPS employees and their families during challenging times.

Together, we can make a difference and ensure that every family member in need receives the help they deserve.

Support Our UPS Family

Beyond The Brown: Teamwork Beyond The Job.

From time to time, many UPSers find themselves facing challenging situations at home. These challenges can quickly and easily escalate to overwhelming situations, affecting a UPSers ability to work safely on the job.

If your situation at home is not right, your safety and performance on the job may quickly suffer. Our jobs and careers are hard enough, without trying to manage problems at home while working long, difficult days and weeks. Having the assistance you need and deserve fosters a safe work environment for ourselves, our co-workers and the general public as well.

Support network for UPSers and their families.

We are currently building a global network of volunteers to provide assistance to UPSers facing challenges at home. Some may need a ride, others may need to move and many lack the resources necessary to quickly overcome those challenges on their own. Through teamwork, we can make those challenges a thing of the past.

Family Helping Family Through Difficult Times

Beyond The Brown has been established to become the most incredible support network for UPS employees and their families. UPS was Founded in 1907 by Jim Casey and Claude Ryan. UPSers built the UPS Culture and Family.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Beyond The Brown?

Beyond The Brown is a support network for UPS employees and their families. When a family emergency occurs, resources tend to be limited. It is our belief that each and every UPSer and their families are OUR family, regardless of the employment position held.

What assistance will be available to UPSer families in need?

Beyond The Brown is currently in it’s initial establishment and funding phase. Establishing a large organization such as this takes time, but we are moving quickly. As soon as the core network and funding is established, we will spread the word when we will begin accepting applications for assistance.

How does Beyond The Brown get funding to provide assistance?

Initial funding for Beyond The Brown will be provided through donations, fund drives, sales of merchandise, campaigns and funding assistance from BlackFlag Asset Management.

The goal for long term funding will be to acquire annual funding from Corporate UPS.

Beyond The Brown is being established as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization so donations may be tax deductible. UPS donates to many organizations annually, with most having little to do with UPSers en mass. Donating to Beyond The Brown will have an immediate impact to UPSers and their families in need.